This $1,000,000 scam left him paralyzed
Freeze Fraud Case
Incident: Two friends in Taiwan plan to defraud insurance companies using freeze injuries.
Victim: Jang, a university student, had his legs amputated due to freezing injuries.
Perpetrator: Leah, a college student, planned to defraud and push Gang to participate.
Motivation: Financial despair and Leah's need for quick money.
Freeze fraud case: greed and leg-amputation crimes
This story from Taiwan provides us with a shocking example of how desperation and the need for quick money can drive two people to commit horrific crimes.
Leah: A 23-year-old university student who faced financial difficulties after losing money in cryptocurrency trading.
Gang: Leah's friend since high school, also a college student.
Leah devised a crazy scam scheme to make quick money, exploiting his friend's need
Gang. The plan included the following:
Gang's purchase of several life insurance policies totaling US$1.3 million.
Exposing Gang's feet to dry frost (dry ice) to cause
cold (freezing).
Filing compensation claims to insurance companies under the allegation that Gang was exposed to extreme cold during a trip on a scooter.
Gang reluctantly agreed to the plan. Leah tied Gang to a chair and put his feet in a container filled with dry ice for 10 hours. This resulted in severe injuries that necessitated the amputation of his legs below the knee.
Leah and Jang's plan did not work out as planned. Their claim that the injuries were caused by a trip on a scooter on a cold night seemed suspicious to authorities. Doctors noticed that the freeze injuries were abnormally symmetrical on both legs, which is unlikely.
In natural conditions. There were also no traces of socks or shoes, reinforcing doctors' suspicions.
Detection and arrest:
Doctors reported the suspicious incident to the authorities, and a police investigation quickly revealed the fraud. Police officers found a dry ice container and photos of Jang's injured feet on Leah's phone during a search of his home. Leah and Jang were arrested for fraud and other crimes. There are currently no updates to their case, and it is likely They are awaiting trial.
Lessons learned:
This story warns against greed and desperate behavior.
It emphasizes the importance of medical vigilance that
helps detect fraud.
It shows how crimes can destroy people's lives and cause them indelible physical and psychological suffering.
This story is a powerful reminder of the dire
consequences that crime can produce, and emphasizes the importance of thinking
and making the right decisions, even in times of financial crisis.