There's more to the case than just murder

Who killed the North Korean leader's half-brother?

In Malaysia, where cultures converge and civilizations embrace, an incident that inflamed news and raised eyebrows around the world. It was in 2017, when the ground under everyone's feet shook with the announcement of the death of Kim Jong Nam, the elder brother of the North Korean leader, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

His death was not ordinary, but a puzzle that foreshadowed a meticulously orchestrated murder, and the first suspect was none other than his younger brother, leader Kim Jong Un. But what added cinematic character to the story was the way the crime was carried out, which was a scene from an unforgettable thriller.

**The two accused of carrying out the attack were young women, one Indonesian and the other Vietnamese, and both apparently innocent of any previous crimes. How did they get involved in an assassination?

Kim Jong Nam was VX, one of the most deadly poisons classified as an internationally banned nerve agent.

As the world watched, Malaysian police began their investigation, revealing that the poison that ended Kim Jong Nam's life was VX, one of the most deadly poisons classified as an internationally banned nerve agent.

The investigations took a dramatic turn, as the two accused young women were arrested, and the journey of searching for the truth began. The evidence was unfolding little by little, and each new thread added to the fabric of the complex story.

Ultimately, the case was more than just murder. It carried a story about power and betrayal, about family and the struggle for the throne. In this world we live in, where fact is sometimes stranger than fiction, Kim Jong-nam's story reminded us that reality can be the scene of incredible events.

In the midst of these events, we cannot  forget the message with which the narrative began, a reminder of the importance of humanity and empathy. As we follow this exciting story, 

The two young women accused of the assassination were arrested at the airport, who rushed to wash their hands after the incident, indicating their awareness of the danger of the substance they used.

Malaysian police, led by Commander-in-Chief Khalid Abu Bakar, announced the arrest of Vietnamese Doan Te Hong and Indonesia's Siti Aisha, and noted the presence of eight other North Korean suspects, some of whom are embassy employees.

Investigations revealed the possible involvement of these people in the operation, and shed light on the complex relationship between the Kim Jong-nam and Kim Jong-un brothers, and the power struggle within North Korea's ruling family.

The whole world watched cautiously the developments of the case, which was not just a murder, but a story of power and betrayal, family and the struggle for the throne.

In the end, the questions remain pending, the mysteries wait to be solved, and the world watches cautiously, asking: what happens next?

All eyes are on the two young women accused of assassination, who found themselves at the center of a complex international conspiracy.

Malaysian authorities, after the release of the North Korean suspects, found themselves facing a legal and diplomatic dilemma. All accusations have shifted against the two young women, and their trial is beginning to reveal controversial details.

Seti Aisha's defense lawyers and Duan Te Hong have begun their own investigations to understand how the two young women came to carry out an assassination of this magnitude, far removed from the world of crime and espionage.

During the court hearings, the chemical weapons expert spoke about VX poison, describing it as one of the most dangerous man-made nerve agents, and that one drop of it is enough to kill a human.

The case turned into a legal and media battle, as journalists and followers of the case gathered, waiting for everything new that the investigation could reveal.

In the end, the questions remain pending, the mysteries wait to be solved, and the world watches cautiously, asking: what happens next?

The world's eyes are on North Korea, a country that has denied any involvement in a controversial assassination, despite global suspicions of its involvement. At the heart of these events stands the name of its leader, Kim Jong Un, who stands at the top of the pyramid of power.

Let's take a quick look at the history of North Korea's dynasty and the complex relations between its members. The story begins with Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-un's great-grandfather, who ushered in a new era of rule. He was succeeded by his son, Kim Jong-il, who promoted the divine image of the ruling family in the minds of the people, presenting his family as more than just rulers;

Kim Jong-il, who married a famous actress, had his first son, Kim Jong Nam, who was supposed to be the rightful heir to the throne. Years later, however, Kim Jong-il remarried, this time to a famous dancer, with whom he had Kim Jong-un, who was ten years younger than his half-brother.

Kim Jong-un's mother, who desperately wanted her son to inherit power, did everything she could to achieve this goal, exploiting her considerable influence on the internal order of the state. This was aided by the tendencies and desires that were at odds with North Korea's tendencies and that the elder brother, Kim Jong Nam, carried.

In 2001, the scandal that changed the course of events occurred, as Kim Jong-nam traveled to Japan with the intention of visiting Disney World in Tokyo, but Japanese police discovered that he was carrying a fake passport, which led to a major scandal, especially since Disney represents American culture, North Korea's number one enemy. There are rumors that Kim Jong-un's mother reported his presence to Japanese police, in an attempt to discredit him and pave the way for her son to become the leader.

Indeed, this scandal led to a change in the father's perception of his son, and two years after the incident, the father decided to isolate his son. In 2003, Kim Jong Nam moved to China, and after the father's death in 2011, Kim Jong-un took power at the age of twenty-five.

At the beginning of his rule, many doubted his ability to run the state, but he surprised everyone with his strength and firmness, surpassing even his father. He opened up to the people some things that were forbidden, strengthened the people's love for him, and at the same time, brought loyal leaders closer and increased their benefits to ensure their loyalty. As for those whose loyalty he doubted, he got rid of them firmly, sending a clear message to everyone that any mistake or wrong whisper would be their end.

Kim Jong-un has established himself as North Korea's new leader, tightening his grip on power and sending a strong message to the world that he is the sole ruler of this isolated country.

The story continues, as Kim Jong Nam's presence is seen as a potential threat that other countries could use as leverage against North Korea. Even China, North Korea's closest and largest ally, may see an opportunity to influence the regime if its interests so require.

Kim Jong-un, who saw his brother as a threat, knew that getting rid of him would be the best solution. But doing so inside China would have led to serious diplomatic problems, as North Korea cannot risk its relationship with its most important ally. So, an opportunity had to be sought outside of Chinese territory.

According to South Korean intelligence reports, Kim Jong Nam wrote a letter to his brother asking for an end to assassination attempts, stressing that he did not pose a threat to him or his authority and that he did not want to rule. But this message did not change the perspective of Kim Jong-un, who continued to see his brother as a problem to be eliminated.

Indeed, the assassination was carried out at Kuala Lumpur airport in Malaysia, and although North Korea denies any involvement in the incident, Malaysian authorities have identified eight North Korean suspects, four of whom fled Malaysia immediately after the operation.

Diplomatic tensions between Malaysia and North Korea escalated, and after negotiations, the two sides reached an agreement to release North Korean detainees and lift the ban on Malaysians in North Korea, as well as the return of Kim Jong Nam's body to North Korea.

In the midst of these events, two tragic stories of two girls who find themselves at the center of an international conspiracy without their knowledge are highlighted. Siti Aisha and Dawan, who thought they were part of a prank show, found themselves accused of international murder. The true story of these two girls, and how they were exploited in the game of politics and power, begins with a game that was far bigger than anything they could have imagined.

Thus, the dark truth unfolds behind smiling faces and innocent laughter. Siti and Duan, who thought they were filming funny pranks, were actually rehearsing a deadly role. Under the guise of humor and entertainment, a plot was hatched to assassinate Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of the North Korean leader.

James and Mr. Chang, who introduced themselves as producers of prank videos, were actually part of a complex network working for the North Korean regime. Skillfully, they led City and Duane through a series of seemingly innocent drills, but were setting the stage for a crime that would have shaken the world.

The two girls were given precise instructions on how to carry out the pranks, and the money they received seemed like a generous reward for their work. But behind the scenes, the threads were carefully woven to ruthlessly carry out the assassination.

On the fateful day, the team was ready. Hannah Mori and O-jong Gil, the masterminds of the operation, watched from afar, while Mr. Wai and Mr. Chang accompanied the girls, guiding their every step. At a crucial moment, the pranks turned into murder.

The videos and messages exchanged between the girls and the organizers of the pranks became part of the evidence that lawyers used to prove their innocence. The two girls were just tools in a much bigger game than them, a game of ruthless politics and power.

Ultimately, the world was left to wonder: how can innocence be exploited in such a horrific way? How can people be deceived to the point of becoming part of a conspiracy without the slightest knowledge or intention? It is a story that shows the dark side of humanity, where spirits can be used as pawns in the game of great powers.

In this complex story, the bitter truth of justice and politics is revealed. The girls, Siti and Duan, found themselves at the center of an international conspiracy, mere tools in the hands of those with power and

 influence. Their innocence and ignorance of the truth made them victims of circumstances, as they were exploited in a crime that they had no role in planning or wanting to carry out.

The prosecution, determined to find a scapegoat, ignores the evidence indicating their innocence and clings to the last straw to prove their involvement. The footage showing the girls taking their hands away from their bodies is seen by the prosecution as evidence of awareness and knowledge of the danger of the substance in their hands, when in fact they were merely trying to avoid staining their clothes with what they thought was baby oil.

Lawyers, for their part, are trying to reveal the truth and save the two girls from punishment disproportionate to the crime they did not commit. They use all available evidence, from videos to letters, to prove that City and Duane were just actresses in a script that they had no role in writing.

Ultimately, the case remains a stark example of how innocent people can be exploited in the game of political power, and how regimes can manipulate lives to achieve their goals, ignoring justice and humanity.

The story of City and Duane shows the great complexities that can occur in the judicial system, especially when politics and international relations intersect. The case, which began as a political assassination, turned into a judicial drama that lasted for years, showing how innocent people can be exploited as tools in the game of major powers.

Lawyers and legal defence played a crucial role in establishing the truth and defending innocence, using all available evidence to prove that the girls were victims of deception and manipulation. In the end, they were able to achieve a positive result, as the main charges were dropped and the death penalty was avoided.

The story gives a valuable lesson about the importance of justice and perseverance in the search for truth, and reminds us that justice must be equal and not affected by political pressures or international relations. There is also a need for legal and diplomatic support for citizens abroad, and how such support can make a big difference in the fate of individuals.

In the end, the story of City and Duane shows how political events can affect the lives of individuals and radically change their trajectories, and highlights the ongoing need to work towards a more just and transparent judicial system.

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