How did they break through 10 doors to escape from prison?



Political prisoner

He was imprisoned because he opposes the racism practiced by his government against the people. He decided that he would do the impossible to escape, but he was locked on the second floor, and it was impossible to dig a tunnel or escape from the window. He had no choice but to get out the door. But the problem was that his cell had two doors: an inner door and an external door. The outer door could not be opened from the inside, and its lock was located outside the door. Not only that, but there were eight other doors on the cell. To be able to To escape, he must break through these ten doors.

The prisoner decided to use his mind and invent tools to escape. So what are these tools and how did he make them while in prison? Let's start our story with these two characters:

Tim Jenkin and Stephen

Tim Jenkin  was an activist against apartheid in South Africa. On one occasion, he placed a fake bomb in the street, and when it exploded, it contained a message urging the people to resist the government.

Stephen was friends with Tim and also active in fighting apartheid. They were arrested and sentenced to 12 years in prison. They entered a prison considered one of the most powerful in South Africa.

The prison was heavily fortified, there were iron nets on the fence and armed guards. But Tim and Stephen did not give up. How will they be able to escape? In prison, they began to explore every nook and analyze the doors and lock. They managed to draw the dimensions of the lock and deduce the sizes of the necessary key. Using their skills, they decided to make a key out of wood, exploiting

Wooden key

Using a wooden key was very unusual and strange. Even when pitching the idea to his friend Stephen, he wasn't convinced that a wooden key might open the lock, even if his measurements were correct. In any case, there was no loss in their experience.

Key Industry

Tamm made the key in his workshop while observing the guards. After a full week of work, he finally succeeded in making the key.

Hide the key

The next challenge was how to hide the key when they exited the workshop. They used the coffee cup base to cleverly hide the key. They put paper around the key to prevent it from moving inside the base.

Guards' inspection:

When they came out of the workshop, they were searched by the guards. Fortunately, they did not discover the key hidden inside the base of the cup.

The next challenge:

Now, with the second iron door in front of them, how will they find a way to escape this difficult prison?

New key and stuck lock

After many attempts, Tem was unsuccessful in unlocking the lock with the first key. He discovered that the lock was stuck because of a piece of iron. The key did not rotate easily in the lock.

Continuous experimentation and intelligent invention

Tamm continued his attempts for a long time, until he came up with a smart solution. Use a wooden cube mounted on a broomstick, and fix the key to it. Thanks to this invention, it can now move the key inside the lock.

Joy and victory

After extensive attempts, Tamm finally managed to unlock. This victory was great for them, as they can now open and exit the doors of their cells.

Future Plan

Now, TM and Stephen should discuss the next steps. Will they escape from the prison yard or will they continue to search for freedom?


Prisoners plan to escape from prison. They can dig a hole underground or climb the six-meter iron fence.

Stephen suggests that they use the keys to open the main doors or the staff doors to the exit.

They should know the layout of the prison and the path they should take after getting out of their cells and section.


Stephen claims to have severe toothache to be taken to the dentist outside prison.

After passing through several doors, they discover that they need another member of the escape team.

They befriend the prisoner who shares the same charge, Alex Mm Bars.

They need to bypass many parents to reach the door that gets them out of prison.

The challenge is to get through all these doors and overcome obstacles to escape from prison

Planning a prison escape

Done and his colleagues continue to plan a prison escape. They know that the fourth door is the key to exit to the workshop and the outdoor courtyard.

They notice the shape of the key and try to copy it in their minds. They know that the risks increase the closer they get to the door.

Night Ranger and Music

They discover that the night watchman plays music during his inspection tour. They use this time to move away from their cells.

They hide under blankets to look like they are sleeping, when the guard starts his round, they start moving.

The experience on Chapter Five

They reach the fifth door, which is located in front of the guards' office. They should try the key on it without the guard discovering it.

The stakes are high, but they keep up with the plan. They wait for the right moment to act.

Experiment on Chapter VI

Alex continues his experiments on the lock of the sixth door. The guard watches from the opening of the fifth door in anticipation of his return. Time is ticking, and Alex tries in every way, but all his attempts fail. Tension is increasing, and Alex has been alerted to the remaining time.

The decisive moment

The guard arrives at the fourth door and opens it. Alex knows that he does not need to use the key they made. They exit directly into the corridor and head towards the fifth door. Luck is their ally, and the guard doesn't feel their presence behind him.

The Next Challenge

They reach the sixth door, which seems more armored. Alex begins his experiments on the lock. The guard returns from his inspection tour, and time is running out. Alex tries with all his might. Will they succeed in getting past this door and escape?

Thinking about Chapter Six

Alex couldn't sleep that night. He was thinking hard about locking the sixth door, because he felt it was one of the hardest locks in prison. He was not ready to go down again and experiment with Chapter VI. He wanted to avoid risks.

Innovative Key Industry

They made keys for the different doors in the prison, including a hidden side door that could lead them to the workshop. Making a special key for the sixth door using metal wire and a wooden head. This design enables them to easily change the key heads and move it inside the lock freely.

Execution Night

When they heard the music, they started moving. They succeeded in opening the fifth door with the fourth key Now it's the turn of the sixth door. Steven plans to occupy the goalkeeper to enable them to play

Back to enthusiasm

After the enthusiasm returned, the three decided to cross through the sixth door. They faced the seventh door, which was made of iron bars and equipped with a lock. They used a small knife to unscrew the locking screws and open the door.

Preparing for the escape

They reached the eighth door, which was already open. They moved to Door IX, which opened with the same key as the fourth and fifth doors. Meanwhile, Stephen was busy talking about rugby.

The last step

They decided to leave the tenth door unopened, because it led to the outside. They cut off the electricity to the department, and Dennis Goldberg promised to help them.

On December 11, 1979, they were ready to escape from prison1.

!Successful escape

Thinking that the guards had finished shift, they decided to go home. Their hearts were beating hard, but they kept calm and walked. The guards weren't much interested, and gave them only one or two looks.

Tight planning

They were wearing civilian clothes, which was illogical for prisoners escaping. They reached the streets of the city, feeling joy and victory. They agreed with a Zimbabwean man to help them escape. They fled South Africa to Zimbabwe, then Zambia, and from there to Tanzania. Finally, they flew to London, where they settled until apartheid ended in South Africa in 1994.




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