Who manipulated time, are we really living with the right history?

How humanity has been manipulated for over 570 years ?

Time has always been a name associated with ambiguity and inquiries what it is and what it is in the field of semantics if you want to replace it with an alternative word that is always a deep mystery This world does not stop time in it and is not late, but to move and alternate night and day and month and years until  the clock strikes  its times and the Azfa is shaken  by the great day, which is the time when people rise to the Lord of the worlds, among the names of that promised day is  the hour

As I was writing those words, time passed in majestic silence, as I began to feel my heart with every second that passed like grains of sand falling from a hollow bottle, and with each love, the time of departure from this mortal life  to the rest approaches, according  to  the  concept of a time equivalent to a thousand years of what we live. Time is time, and time is eternal, and it all belongs to Almighty God. No one stops it and no one changes it, but there are those who hid their truth for an unknown time.

The Western world owes the Roman Christian calendar, while the Amazigh and Chinese adopt their own history, as it was for the Egyptians and Greeks, while the Muslims adopted the Hijri date to know the days and years. The story of calculating time and date is all due to the calculation of the astronomy that God created on our happy land  as a giant clock more accurate than a thousand thousand atomic clocks that cannot be mistaken even in calculating the parts of the atom. The first human science of the truth of the sky and the movement of the sun and the stars with the planets and the moon in calculating months and years and knowing the exact time Through the reflection of the shadow and the rotation of the orbits, the bodies moved over the fixed earth  adopted by the civilizations of the first era of mankind after Adam peace be upon him taught it to the whole world and the frequency of science between civilizations down to the Egyptians, Greeks, China, Romans and the rest of the nations and societies The first humans were not in caves as the followers of Satan claim, but  the earth began with the great and wide knowledge that God taught Adam peace be upon him  Is the day of the week identical to the correct day ?

Are we really living in the third birthday ? What is the story of the deletion of history in the Middle Ages and the first ages?

What are the most famous bad things, but what is the truth of the lost thousand  and the transformation of days into years?

The ancient Egyptians used the solar system in an important calendar, so they divided the year into 12 months, each month consists of 30 days, and added five additional days at  the end of the year to become 365 days, the year they have divided into three seasons: flood, growth and harvest. They also had a star calendar based on the movement of stars and planets, such as the star Cyrus, which was considered an indicator of the beginning of the new year  by appearing just before sunrise, but the Greeks developed different systems. To measure time and that according to the sciences that were distributed to their cities Some cities used the lunar months  in their calendar, where the month began with the new moon, so the Aztec calendar was distinguished  by them, which was used in the two interchangeably between the full months  that come broadcast a day and  the missing months  by 29 days to simulate the moon's cycle better, but what about the date of the first lost testament

 After the end of the first era of mankind disappeared a large part of civilization and lost all the first science after the great flood, which to this day we did not reach to understand and the pyramid is the best evidence and proof until it became a period known scientifically unknown or deep history that revealed some documents of the Scottish forum little of its secrets more than 100 years ago and these days became known a large part of it history forbidden, which deprived what is in it revealed the truth of the earth and the first sciences demolish the matrix On which the nine stones are based to hypnotize people, and with the loss  of the first civilization, the  basics of calculating time were lost, so that the second era began after years with ignorance after knowledge, counting the years after the flood began, and making this great event the center of the beginning of the  second era, as if the  earth had been reborn, so the years of the first era became unknown after the passage of generations and the succession of societies, and the  truth was mixed with legends and the story  of tales about an era that was beyond imagination 

After the birth of the Roman Empire, the legendary founder of Rome, Romulus, developed the Roman calendar, which consisted of  only ten months, with a total of 304 days in the year, the year begins with them in March, but the months of January and February were considered  a winter period  that is not calculated within the year, after the first learned that the year is 12 months, which is the number of months with God, the Romans came to put a wrong calendar, so the days and months were mixed with him, so what was the first month became It is considered the third and that 2800 years ago from now in the seventh century BC astronomy calculations became inaccurate and they learned from the movement of the sun and the moon and their overlap with the constellations according to the rotation of the dome with the stars that it does not apply to their calendar calculations King Numa Pompei Ios, the  second ruler of Rome, employed a group of astronomers to study the movement of astronomers, so he confirmed that there are two months missing from the year makes the calendar not apply with the positions of the moon in the field of constellations, so he added it was on Saturday became Tuesday or Friday is in the calendar on Tuesday so the days are lost between months and years sometimes by deleting and sometimes by additions and the story will not stop here but started from this point

 The Roman calendar, despite its defects, was manipulated by priests and Caesars on the names  of Caesars 31 days at the expense of other months and made the number of years start from the year of founding the  city of Rome, the capital of the empire,  which is the year 753 BC and this manipulation continued for 700 years in 46 BC 

Julius Caesar reformed the calendar with the help of the Alexandrian astronomer Suzek, who is said to have found Egyptian manuscripts dating back to the beginning of the  second era revealed dates, events and accounts of the first covenant of humans before the flood, however, they also distorted the reform on the introduction of the solar calendar instead of the lunar one, although the prevailing was the lunar and made the duration of the year 365 days and a quarter divided into 12 months, but the first year of the Greek calendar was modified  relative to Julius instead of what was confirmed This was justified at that time because of the accumulated deviations  and entered the leap year

 Every four years, the Romans adopted the naming of some of their most famous ones after the names of their idols that they worshiped without God, as the Greeks did before, the names of the planets, and those pagan names  are still used to this day in the months, planets and feasts, without telling the sons of Muslims in 

The first month of the year was called January relative to Linos,  which is the idol of the gates and the beginnings  of time for the Romans as well as Greece, and the name of the second month in February is relative to the word Vibra, which means purification in Latin. The Romans were celebrating the holidays of purification in this month  , so people would wash amid pagan rituals, and it was also considered the last month of the year in ancient Rome. As for the third month, March, it is the name of the war idol for the Romans, as they considered this month  the beginning of the solar year  , while April was derived from the word Agril, which means spring, and its name is the fifth month as May, relative to Maya, which is a feminine idol that was worshipped as its father, the planet Mercury, while they named the sixth month as June, relative to the word Julius, which means youth in Latin, while the month of July is named after the Roman Caesar Julius Caesar, as is the case As for Augustus, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, and finally for the month of September, October, November and December, it indicates the numbers Septa the number seven, Oct eight, Nova T, and Decca indicates the number 10 for the Romans. This calendar did not escape tampering either.

According to political and personal calculations, the seventh month has become the eighth political dilemma in ancient Rome  . As you know, the seventh month was named after Julius Caesar, while the eighth month was named after his adopted son August, who was also known as Eustachius and Lal. The  month of Julius is not greater than August. They increased in the month of August one day at the expense of the month of February, then the number of days in the months after August was adjusted so that three months do not follow  the same length, so they reversed  the rule So September became 30 days and October 31 days, then he made November 30 days and December 31 days

 A questioner may ask why all this focus on the ancient Roman calendar the answer is simply because it is the calendar that rules the world now after the number of years in the Greek calendar was  based on the ancient Roman calendar, which considers the year of the establishment of the city of Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, the beginning  of history, but in the middle of the sixth century AD, and according to the political motive and ideologies of the calendar, and this monk succeeded in calling him, they distorted the date of birth, which was in the period after spring and the entry of summer to The period after autumn and the entry of winter and history is known as the period after birth and before 

It is worth noting that the birth of Christ was not before 2024 years from now because there is an additional deleted birth The calendar we live in today in what is known as the year 204 is nothing but mere numbers that do not reflect the truth of history at all, this number was deleted years and years were added to it and  months were modified and months were added and days were mixed with weeks and with all this, the matter does not end here

 If we calculate the date according to the Roman calendar since its inception until now, this year will be the year 2777, and if we look at the Amazigh history, it is the year 2000 and 974, and the Islamic Hijri date is the year 1445, and for the Hebrew date, it is the year 5734, and if we want to know the calendar in Egyptian history, according to a study we published in a previous documentary, it dates back to more than 15,000 years at least after the date of the birth of Christ was adopted, Pope Gregory III decided He should adopt the advice of astronomer Elisos Liliou, which is to adopt the Greek  calendar by calculating the year on the basis of 365 days and a quarter, and to fix the error in the quarter day, one day is added every four years, so there are three simple years  containing only 365 days, in which the month of February is 28 days, and then a fourth leap year of about 366 days, in which the month of February is 29 days 

But after the death of the astronomer Elisos, he was succeeded by the astronomer Christopher Kla Vius, and he adopted this view, especially since he was afraid of changing the season of the Passover, which should be in the spring identical to the birth of the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, whom they distorted and made in winter, Pope Greg Wurce issued a decree stipulating the reform of the Greek  calendar in 1582, which stated the following deletion of ten days from the calendar, so people slept on the fourth of October to wake up the next day as First of October

 This matter, which historians consider a major event in the calendar, is only one of dozens of changes and manipulations in history. Orthodox countries rejected  this calendar, while it was imposed on Catholic countries  until it settled on it in the twentieth century, so all countries accepted it civilly, but the Orthodox religious leaders  in  the Eastern churches  reject this amendment until now, and this amendment to the Greek calendar has become  known as the Juri calendar The Westerners etc. took December as a date to celebrate the date of the birth of Jesus, peace be upon him.

While Eastern Christians adopt the seventh of January as a birthday and both dates do not represent the birth of Christ at all, and  the Reform of Juri,  which is based on Roman history, has become officially adopted in the countries of the world until it finally became known as the Gregorian calendar or the Christian West. 

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