Through the Ages: A Journey of Prophecies from Past to Present

Legends of Time: Prophecies of History and the Future of Nations

The forgotten history - the beginning of the flood

The flood appeared and the masks fell, this is how the last lines of the 500-year tale read, the story that told the last free Arab state under occupation, from the land of the veil to the Holy of Holies. When the Arab land was shared like candy pieces in order to establish the Promised Land, the land that surrounded the armies of the English politicians and the Balfour Declaration, Al-Aqsa became a prisoner in the hands of the usurpers.

Religious and political transformations

 Behind him are the armies of the Faithful Alliance, protecting Cousin Sam with iron and fire under the slogan of Palestine. History is a beacon for readers to know the events of today and the plans of tomorrow, the story did not begin in the year 48 but in the middle of the centuries, the dark centuries of Europe up to this day.

End of tale: Blood Moon

Today, the four bloody moons have been completed and Uncle Sam's descendants have declared the great war for the rise of the Antichrist, the plans of the Talmud are meticulously implemented generation after generation and the world is inattentive and steadfast without knowing that we are at the gates of the third great war, the war of mind and fire.

Judaism and Protestant Christianity

In 1523, Martin Luther declared that Jews were children of God, and that Christians were strangers who should be content to be beggars. This period marked the true birth of Judaism, where Hebrew rituals in worship were preferred over Catholic rituals, and Hebrew was studied as the word of God.

Christian Zionism and support for Jews

Historical sources indicate that Luther's unquenchable desire to rehabilitate the Jews was due to his deep belief in the necessity of their presence in this world as a prelude to the return of Christ. His calls were seen as a reversal of the position of the Catholic Church, which viewed Jews as bearers of the blood of Christ. Luther began to spread his Protestant ideas that focused on the idea of the return of the Messiah, which were very popular and spread to Germany and England.

Contradictions and transformations in Protestantism

Protestant Christianity has another secret goal of its desperate support for the Jews that few of the elite know: the theory of the inevitable destruction of the Jews. There are many theological studies in this field, concluding that the destruction of the Jews of the earth is inevitable and necessary to get rid of the legacy of blood that the Jews carried on their shoulders. In the last days of his life, Luther retracted many positions and opinions about the Jews, but it was too late.

Religious transformations in the sixteenth century

 In 1523, Martin Luther declared that Jews were children of God, and that Christians were strangers who should be content to be beggars. This period marked the true birth of Judaism, where Hebrew rituals in worship were preferred over Catholic rituals, and Hebrew was studied as the word of God.

Christian Zionism and support for Jews

Historical sources indicate that Luther's unquenchable desire to rehabilitate the Jews was due to his deep belief in the necessity of their presence in this world in preparation for the return of Christ. Luther began to spread his Protestant ideas that focused on the idea of the return of Christ, which became very popular and spread to Germany and England.

Contradictions and transformations in Protestantism

Protestant Christianity has another secret goal of its desperate support for the Jews that few of the elite know: the theory of the inevitable destruction of the Jews. There are many theological studies in this field, concluding that the destruction of the Jews of the earth is inevitable and necessary to get rid of the legacy of blood that the Jews carried on their shoulders. In the last days of his life, Luther retracted many positions and opinions about the Jews, but it was too late.

Calvinism and Zionism

 Calvinism is a doctrine led by real world leaders in the seventeenth century, and Protestant doctrine was based on the idea of supporting Jews to establish a state in Palestine. You should know that Zionism is not a product of Jewish culture but a product of Calvinism during the First English Civil War when Zionism emerged as an official doctrine in the seventeenth century.

... At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Zionist movement developed a method for the rule of the Zionists and the fulfillment of the prophecies of the ancient Talmud with what is known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and these documents were published in 1903 by a Russian politician exiled to France known as Mathieu Golovinsky after he was able to penetrate into Zionism and reveal the documents of the Paris Forum in 1901. These documents sparked controversy and became the focus of conspiracy theories suggesting Jews planning world domination.

As time progressed, especially after World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the political situation changed dramatically. Secret agreements between colonial powers repartitioned the region and facilitated Jewish immigration to Palestine. In this context, the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, in which Britain declared its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, sparking a new wave of controversy and conflict in the region.

As Jewish immigration increased and tensions escalated, the foundations were laid for the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict. The following period witnessed a series of important events, including the British Mandate of Palestine, the Great Arab Revolt, and the Zionist movement that was gaining strength and momentum.

Eventually, these developments led to the proclamation of the State of Israel in 1948, an event that radically transformed the region and greatly influenced international politics. Since then, the Palestinian issue has continued to be the focus of global debate, with its complexities and challenges still forming a large part of politics in the Middle East and the world.

... Going back to the book of Isaiah, we find that the prophecies contain multiple visions dealing with the fate of peoples and kingdoms. Netanyahu has used these texts to assert his political and religious vision, citing religious texts to justify current policies. Hence, it can be argued that the citation of prophecies reflects the intersection of religion and politics in the region.

With regard to the Amalekites, biblical texts portray them as enemies of the Israelites and include calls to eliminate them. These calls are used in modern political discourse as a metaphor to express current conflicts, but it must be emphasized that these texts date back to ancient times and cannot be applied literally in the present.

In the context of the prophecies and the awaited Savior, the text refers to expectations of the emergence of a figure known as the Antichrist, a figure that Islamic doctrines warn against. This character is a sign of the end of time and carries with it warnings of temptation and tribulations.

Finally, the text refers to the Arab-Israeli conflict and expresses the view that Israeli policies are aimed at fulfilling Isaiah's prophecies of establishing the State of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. This proposal is part of the political and religious debate that is causing much controversy in the region.




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